My passion for achieving greater gender and racial equity in higher education and our broader society has motivated me to work with individuals and organizations who have similar goals.
— Kia Caldwell
Workshop Areas
I regularly lead professional development workshops for K-12 teachers in the following areas:
Afro-Latin American Studies
African Diaspora Studies
African American history
Anti-racist education
Drawing on over twenty years of experience as a faculty member and academic leader, I am available to facilitate workshops for university faculty and other professionals in the following areas:
Academic publishing
Establishing Boundaries and Getting to “No”
Centering Gender and Racial Equity in Organizational Priorities and Policies
Navigating Academia for Women of Color/BIPOC Women
Navigating Academia for Faculty of Color/BIPOC Faculty
Knowing Your Value
Writing Your Second Book/Launching Your Second Major Academic Project
Consulting Areas
I provide consultation services to K-12 schools, academic institutions, non-profits and private sector organizations in the areas found below. I also welcome the opportunity to costumize a consultation experience for your organization.
Strategic planning for equity and inclusion
K-12 curriculum development
Faculty diversity in higher education
Inclusive leadership